Three months after the wildfires, there's still much work to do in rebuilding Canyon cities

Bill PoehlerSalem Statesman Journal

DETROIT – For 70 years, Loren and Phyllis Clark have made their home in Detroit and the self-described 'two oldest residents of the city' are determined to return.

Three months after the Labor Day wildfires destroyed hundreds of homes in the Santiam Canyon cities of Detroit, Gates and Mill City, residents like the Clarks are anxious to get back.

The Clarks, with help from friends, have returned a couple of times a week to clear their wildfire-decimated property. On a recent Thursday, they were burning a pile of the last remains of their home and preparing to move a 24-foot trailer to their property. They've been living in the trailer, parked outside of Dallas

“We don’t need no help from nobody,” Loren Clark said.

Some of the cities and unincorporated communities in the Santiam Canyon were hit harder than others in the wildfires, but all of them were impacted.

Private companies have been removing debris from wildfire-destroyed properties since shortly after the cities reopened in September and October and cutting down fire-damaged trees. Some residents are following the Clarks and using recreational vehicles and trailers as temporary residences.

The recovery and rebuilding could take years, but many residents are trying to do it faster.

 “I would say we’re moving along, not as quick as everybody would like, but it’s moving along,” Marion County Commissioner Kevin Cameron said.

Some utilities have yet to be restored

Power has been returned to most of the cities and people are living in Detroit, even though it doesn’t have drinkable water flowing through the city’s pipes.

Logging trucks, once a welcome sight in the cities, now haul away burned-out hulks of trees from private residences.  

On a few properties, construction is already underway, but many sites won’t be cleared of the wildfire debris for months.

The state is still taking bids on its role in cleaning up properties of those who opted to join the coordinated cleanup of wildfire debris.

“That could happen as early as Christmas week, maybe the first week of January,” Marion County public works director Brian Nicholas said.

Recovery:Detroit takes step toward restoring water to residents after wildfire

Though electricity has been restored to many properties, Nicholas said Consumer Power and Pacific Power are in the process of upgrading their power distribution systems, which could include moving power lines underground.

“You can apply for mitigation dollars that will allow you to build back better than it was,” Nicholas said. “That’s where the funding to potentially bury their power lines would be coming. It takes time to get funding in place, get the design done and get that going.”

Detroit was hit harder than any of the Santiam Canyon cities; neighboring Idanha was barely touched by the wildfires.

Detroit has made temporary repairs to its pumps at the Breitenbush intake of its water distribution system and is filling its water system to check for leaks.

“They are finding some,” Detroit Mayor Jim Trett said. “I understand that’s going to take a few days until we find all the leaks. They are going as fast as they can.”

Once all the leaks are found and fixed, the pipes will have to be flushed. When the temporary water filtration system is in place, the pipes will be tested for volatile organic compounds, which are likely to be present due to the heat.

Pipes damaged by heat and producing VOCs will need to be replaced and it could be January or later before drinkable water is flowing to the city again.

Slow going for some relief

Weeks after many of the homes burned down, property owners received yearly property tax bills, even though their homes were gone or they couldn’t live in them.

The county commissioners have proposed to waive that for a year, but that would require a change in state law.

“We actually asked Senator Fred Girod to put a bill in for that,” Marion County Commissioner Colm Willis said. “Our proposal is if your house burned down, you shouldn’t have to pay your property tax for a year.”

FEMA spokesperson Paul Corah said FEMA has paid $23 million in housing assistance, which includes paying for hotels and trailers, to people in Oregon and $29 million for individual assistance to over 20,000 people in the state.

But how long it will take for those in the Santiam Canyon to get trailers for transitional housing remains to be seen.

The first FEMA trailers started showed up in Southern Oregon in November, but FEMA has to have many of the units built in a time with high demand because of natural disasters in California, Louisiana and elsewhere.

“I would say it’s hard to say because it all depends on how fast we can get the trailers,” Corah said.  “They’re gearing up to get staging areas in the central part of the state. We have teams doing everything at once.”

Corah said with the Holidays upcoming, FEMA has services to aid survivors outside of monetary support.

“Right now stress is extremely high among the survivors, that’s why we’re offering free counseling to the survivors and free legal advice to survivors,” Corrah said.

The speed limit on Highway 22 between Gates and Pamelia Creek is still limited to 40 miles per hour.

There are ongoing work zones where crews are forced to replace wooden posts that hold up guardrails alongside highways.

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Oregon Department of Transportation estimated over 30,000 hazard trees were removed along a 40-mile stretch of Highway 22 so it could be reopened, and more still need to be removed.

Some Marion County parks were wiped out by wildfire.

Nicholas said the county is eligible for FEMA money to aid in the rebuilding of those parks. And he hopes they will be open next summer.

“We’re probably going to redevelop that in a clean slate,” he said.

Some cities have themes among buildings in their central business district, and Detroit is looking into having one.

Few businesses, such as Mountain High Grocery, remain, and the ones that do remain will need extensive restoration due to the smoke damage.

“We have a committee looking at a theme for our town," Trett said. "Businesses have an opportunity to tie that into theme."

A group of business leaders in the Santiam Canyon have pledged to help build  a new city hall in Detroit to replace the one the wildfire destroyed.

“I know Rich Duncan’s leading a group who are working on building a new city hall at the old high school,” Cameron said. “There’s a lot of materials being donated for that.”

A fresh start for Detroit

Detroit has survived a lot over the years, from the city being moved in the early 1950s to make way for Detroit Dam and the lake that filled behind it.

How the city is going to survive this challenge is anyone’s guess.

“After the logging quit, which was a bunch of bull and I fell timber for 30 years, then after that, why the only thing left to make Detroit a town was the tourism,” Loren Clark said. “But what’s going to happen now?”

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Like many residents, the Clarks have been clearing the remains of their home with friends.

Detroit has been home for the couple for decades and returning is their only option.

“My home’s gone," Phyllis Clark said, "but I still live here,”

Bill Poehler covers Marion County for the Statesman Journal. Contact him at or 


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