FREE Water Testing

The Oregon Health Authority will provide free well water testing vouchers to private or "domestic" well users impacted by the 2020 Oregon wildfires. Applications will be open from February 1 - May 15, 2021 at

Vouchers cover the cost of testing for bacteria, nitrates, arsenic, and lead. Depending on well damage, some may also qualify to test for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene as well. Sample collection costs are not covered by OHA.

Voucher Eligibility

All of the following criteria must be met:

· The property was impacted by the 2020 Oregon wildfires

· The well water is used for things like drinking, bathing cooking and washing dishes

· The well has 3 or fewer connections and is not part of a regulated water system


If demand exceeds supply, OHA will prioritize vouchers for:

· Households that meet certain income thresholds

· Communities that have been historically underserved, including people of color

· Properties that had the greatest damage

· Second homes or vacation rental homes will not be prioritized, but may qualify.

Contact or 971-673-0440 for questions.


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